September 6, 2011, Dr. Camp released me because my wounds had both closed and I was "healed"..... but then, fast forward to mid October and I still had a scab on the left side. I figured it would heal soon enough and I wasn't using and dressing or bandage over it. No drainage, but pretty painful.
Couple days before Halloween and waa-laa, the scab has fallen off and I'm super happy because everything looks good and closed up =)
On Oct. 30, I noticed that I had some drainage on my panties from the left side wound. I checked out the wound and sure enough, it had opened to about the size of a dime =/ I began putting bandaids and neosporin (antibiotic ointment) on it and prayed for the best.
Within 1 week, the wound has opened up larger than a quarter and is draining green again =( I called Dr. Camp and have an appointment tomorrow. I'm nervous that the infection is still brewing.... even after all of these months of feeling great!
In better news..... I have been running pretty much every day and working out at the gym. I have done a couple of 5k races and one 10k. I am looking forward to running a 1/2 marathon on Nov. 19.... God willing.