Here you can see the red yeast spots right above the incision line
If you look on the incision line a little to the left of the wound, you can see kind of like a small crater spot- this is where Dr. Camp removed a stitch knot. There were 2 other spots that had to have these knots removed and are now open sores =(
And the last picture shows the green infection in the center of the wound =(
That's right, I have another infection =( =( =( The worst of my fears became a reality.... when Dr. Camp began pulling out the gauze that Gitta had packed, there was this green goo, kind of like mucus on the gauze with both of the wounds. She immediately said that it was an infection, especially with the funky smell (my words, not hers). Dr. Camp explained that having the wound vac on and taking antibiotics enables infections to actually begin. Basically, the antibiotics take away all bacteria, even the good bacteria so with having the wound vac on and not allowing the skin to breathe, I guess it was prone to happen.
More bad news... as I wrote under picture 2, she had to remove 3 spots that had stitch knots coming out so more open wounds =(
More bad news.... Dr. Camp does not want to ever sew the wounds up because I have a new infection and she said that after 1 week, I may get the wound vac put back on just depending on what she sees. In the meantime, the wounds are going to be packed with gauze and acetic acid. They have to be packed twice daily and my home nurse can only come out once daily soooooo I get to do this myself or with Mark's help =(
More bad news... I'm in PAIN. Not having the wound vac on makes my abdomen just kinda fall apart it seems. Even with the compression garment, I just feel really open and susceptible to more infection, cramping and the wound not healing.
The least of my worries is the yeast spots... but that's an annoyance, too. Dr. Camp said that it will take about 2-3 months for scar tissue to form over the wounds which means any hope for bikini this year is GONE and any hope to even feel somewhat normal anytime soon is definitely GONE =(
There's this saying I love and it helped me with staying on track with my dieting....
God please give me:
The courage to start
The patience to train
The wisdom to rest
And faith to finish!
I need to realize that even though I got a lot of bad news loaded on my shoulders today, I'm still alive, I still have a beautiful, supportive and loving family, I am slowly still healing and I will take from this wisdom and strength. Lord, please keep me strong.
I'm so sorry to hear about this recent news. I was really hoping for you to have better things come your way.
ReplyDeleteI think you have a good attitude about the disappointment, you have every right to be down, but you know in the end it will all be okay. :)
I can tell you that I am not in a bikini. My stomach is mostly numb as is my back and it feels weird not having my garment on and the two times I have went in the pool it's almost uncomfortable because I can't feel my midsection.
I am not sure who these online women are that are hopping off the table and into the bikini, but I am not one of them. :)
Hang in there; you can do this! Keep blogging and stay strong.