Monday, August 8, 2011

1 step up 2 steps back

Felt like crap all afternoon yesterday.  By 8pm, I felt so cold and achy that I took a long hot shower.  Didn't help.  I took my temperature and it was 100.6.  I checked out my wounds and my skin was red around the left hip wound.  I called Dr. Camp immediately because this is what it looked like when I originally got the infection back in mid-June.  She prescribed me 2 new antibiotics (bactrim & clindamycin) and I have to use dakin's solution.  It was like everything was going so well and I even got out of the house for a day... then I'm back to square one with red, hot skin and my wounds have thick green coming out =(  pretty gross and I'm pretty bummed.  There's no way I'm going to be able to start running anytime soon.  I am going to even take a break from walking until I start feeling better.


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