Saturday, May 21, 2011

Dr. Bradley orders: MORE REST!

I am 8 days post op now and the swelling is out of control!  Even my husband said I look 6 months pregnant =/  I went to see Dr. Bradley yesterday & he said that I could wear an abdominal binder or a compression garment for comfort but overall, the only thing that will help the swelling is to get off my damn feet and REST =) 

So, guess who gut up with the kiddos this morning?  My dear husband <3   I felt guilty after a week of him baby-ing me, so I started trying to help cook and clean Thursday & Friday which ultimately led to the previous swelling I had to get so bad I was scared I was going to bust stitches.  I went through some pretty intense operations so I'm going to relax from this point on, only get up when I must and not lift ANYTHING.  It's so like me to help others but this time, I'm helping myself =)

8 days post op and recovery is coming along nicely...

Dr. Bradley did SOOOOO good on my belly button!  I couldn't be happier with how it turned out =)  It's still really swollen but it looks more natural than so many I've seen!

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