Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Just when I think things are going good..... =(

11 days out and I just bust a pretty big area open... I'm so bummed!  I took it easy all weekend, wore my abdominal binder and my swelling has gone down imensely.  I was beginning to feel great!  Even yesterday I had a very relaxing day, my husband yelled at me everytime I stood up to do anything other than potty. I was spoiled =) 

Today I sat down on the floor with the kids and played and even though I tried not to stretch or reach, I must have done something because my abdominal garment was filled with blood when I took it off to wash it and blood was leaking down my legs.  My husband helped me remove the paper tape I had on and clean it up but if I stand up at all it begin bleeding again =(  This happened about 3 hours ago and it hasn't stopped so I'll be calling Dr. Bradley in the morning if this is the case.....

Things I've learned:

The Do's:
  • Listen to your doctor!!! Write down everything he says if you have to but LISTEN TO HIM/HER.  They have been through this, know what is best for you and are trying their best to see you have the best results possible.
  • Be patient!  I have thought I could simply do everything because the pain meds numbed me from feeling the pain I was putting my body through. Body lifts are MAJOR surgery and you have to give yourself a break.  I've given myself insane amounts of swelling and bust open two areas of the stitching trying to do things I know I shouldn't. 
  • Keep it simple! Keep the incision area uncovered, with no gauze, tape, dressings, anything- for the first three weeks you should clean it twice daily with hydrogen peroxide, and that is it. Be patient and trust me, you want the wound to dry up, scab over and HEAL.
  • Wash with antibacterial soap.
  • Have laxatives ready day 1.  It is almost unbearable the first few days. I took my first laxative 24 hours after surgery and didn't have my first bowel movement until 36 hours after surgery. Since then, I pretty much have to take them daily or I won't go and I get uncomfortably gassy and bloated. It's gross but true. They don't cause any discomfort and you'll feel much lighter and better. I take mine late at night, right before bed (about 2 hours after eating) as to still get all the nutrition from the foods you are eating.
  • Eat a high protein, high vitamin diet. Foods I've learned to love the last 11 days: string cheese, yogurt, tuna, grapes, pineapple, bananas, carrots, celery, chicken breast, salmon, broccoli, oranges...etc. This is about all I've been eating, keeping my calories right around 1500.  I also drink a Jillian Michaels chocolate powder whey protein shake once daily.
  • Low sodium!  It SUCKS and it sucks BAD but I haven't allowed myself the pleasure of any high sodium foods, mainly due to all of the swelling.  But overall, it's best to avoid anything that makes you feel bloated or puffy during this time.
  • Drink as much water as you can, staying hydrated will help with the swelling and will aid in healing. If you hate water or just can't drink enough, try crystal light lemonade or fruit punch.
The don'ts
  • Do NOT put neosporin over the wound site.
  • Do NOT put paper tape over the scar until it actually is a scar and the incision is 100% healed (this generally takes about 3 weeks).
  • Don't get depressed about your look or the fact that you had surgery. I have read that so many people regret it the first few days.... well, I'll agree the pain sucks, the lack of activity sucks and wondering if everything is going to turn out looking good is the WORST but try to keep your mind on recovering and stay happy.
  • Do NOT be afraid to call your doctor. I have Dr. Bradley's cell number and luckily I've only had to call it twice =) 
  • Do not believe everything you read online... lol  I have researched and read everything I could find on body lift surgery and breast lifts and honestly I think I would be further along in my recovery had I not tried the neosporin or paper tape =/  Just do what YOUR doctor says... not everyone else!
  • Do not miss any doses of your medication- it is there for your relief, not to see if you're strong enough to handle recovery without it.  I finished my percocet and was relieved that ibuprofen was enough to handle the pain. Too bad it adds to the constant bleeding I have going on right now =/
  • Do NOT lift anything over 5 pounds for 2 weeks. My daughter is 15lbs and everytime I have tried to pick her up in the last couple of hours, I start bleeding again.
  • Do not freak out when you bust a stitch (like I just did!), Dr. Bradley said it's common and all you need to do is wet a washcloth/paper towel and apply pressure for 5 minutes. Try to not move for as long as possible as to not reopen the wound but it should heal and stop bleeding on it's own. Soooo... that's what I'm going to go off and do now =)

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