Wednesday, June 1, 2011

2 weeks 5 days post op

Yesterday I was supposed to get the penrose drain out but unfortunately, it's still draining so Dr. Bradley wanted to leave it in and check on Thursday if it was ready to come out.  I hope so!  My first 2 weeks post op have been such an experience.  I've gone through pain, depression, anxiety, anger and been completely helpless.  There is nothing that can quite prepare you for cosmetic surgery.  I am trying to just live it out, see the bigger picture, and remember my reasons for doing this but I just want normal back.  I want to pick my son up and swing him around. I want to not jump every time someone gets close to me because I think they might bump into me.  I want to be happy again.  I've been in a good mood the last few days but I'm not quite myself.  I want to laugh and think about all of the fun my little family is going to have this summer.  But then, when I mention little things like taking the kids places, my husband reminds me that this summer we're buckling down so that we can get surgery paid off.  I understand and it's the right thing to do, just makes life even more depressing..... I want to get out and have fun and not worry about every penny =( 

On the bright side, I'm not in any pain, I can stand up straight, I can sleep on my side, and my swelling has gone down enough where I can fit into some of my old clothes =)  Dr. Bradley asked me yesterday if I was happy with my breast size and said he thought maybe he had made them too big. At first I hesitated, and said, "they're okay, will take some getting used to."  But then when I got home, I did a double look and I like the size....just want to see them fully healed! I'm happy I went with a larger pair because with my big arms and broad body, I think they actually fit me pretty well.

Here are some pictures from today... incision is looking excellent! Nice, smooth line and not many problem areas except for in the front. 

Little bumpy right under the tattoo but other than that, it's a thin, flat scar =)

 And..... drum roll please.......

BIKINI SHOT!!!  I'm so excited to get my body toned back up so I can actually see those abs I worked so hard for!  Dr. Bradley said I can start walking, but no major aerobics where I stretch the scar for 6 weeks.  I'll be the happiest girl ever when I hit the gym like I used to; 6 days a week, running 2 miles per day and an hour of strength & ab work.  I know it'll take some time to get back to where I was considering I'll be out of the gym for 7 weeks total but that's nothing in the scheme of things.  I've got the motivation, determination and access to get my body looking as perfect as possible =)

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