Tuesday, June 14, 2011

day 3 of hospital retreat =/

When I began this blog, I hoped to create a place for women to come so they could share their fears or concerns and get information from a personal stand point on what a body lift and breast lift involves.  Never did I think I'd be one of "those" people that has a bad experience with cosmetic surgery.  Sure, I knew there were risks of infection but was that something I needed to concern myself with?  No! That could never happen to me.

Yet.... here I am, day 3 of being stuck in the hospital... barely able to walk. I haven't seen my children in 3 days.  I'm sick to my stomach.  No one should EVER have to go through this.  I'm trying to not think of the what-if's but maybe that will help others.  So, what if I'd have made Dr. Bradley prescribe me an antibiotic after he took out the penrose drain?  What if I had gotten a compression garment right after the surgery where the hematoma would have never formed?  What if I had gone to the ER when I woke up drenched in the yellow/orange fluid that was said to be serous fluid?  What else could I have done to prevent this?!  For those of you planning on cosmetic surgery, think of these things and get on top of them BEFORE you get stuck in the hospital.... you can never be too careful!

If Dr. Camp decides to use a wound-vac on my 2 open wounds, then I will also have to pay $200 and then 10% of whatever a wound vac costs.  Kinda crappy!  Dr. Camp, by the way, is the surgeon who removed the pus pockets... apparently Dr. Bradley doesn't have an affiliation with any hospital...?!  Wish I'd have known this prior to surgery because yes, it would have made a difference.  He is an excellent surgeon but he can't even follow up with me because I need hospital care. Which brings me to another point, ask your doctor what hospital you will need to go to in case of emergency and whether or not he is on staff.  If your doctor is not affiliated with any hospital, I would recommend selecting another doctor.  I didn't even know to ask this... I just assumed. ha!

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