Tuesday, June 28, 2011

You can spend minutes, hours, days, weeks or even months
over-analyzing a situation;
trying to put the pieces together, justifying what could've,
would've happened....
or you can just leave the pieces on the floor
and move the fuck on.

I got to meet Dr. Reid yesterday at Dr. Camp's office.  He looked at the wounds and said everything is healing nicely and healthy looking so my fear's are gone.  I will probably be over-cautious for life considering what I've been through, so when I had increased pain, an elevated temperature, redness and yellow drainage I wanted to see a doctor!  My temp had come back down by the time I went in yesterday so I think whatever made it spike, my body fought off.

My mom came over yesterday and bought me this to match my bikini... http://www.keysswimwear.com/Becca_2011_Hot_Tempered_Cover_Up_p/5060171.htm  I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!  Here's a pic of my bikini, but I have it in a bright yellow =)  
I'm sure I'll take pictures of me wearing it altogether soon!

It's nice to think that even with these wounds, I'll still eventually get to be in a bikini... might be next summer but that's ok, I can live with that =)  I'm alive and healing quickly, I have that to be thankful for.  Marky came home last night and I was so happy to see him and to spend time with my mom #2 and Matt.  I'm so blessed to have such an amazing family and extended family!

Here are some pictures of the wound from yesterday... Beth says that the skin is starting to curl under which means that the wound will stop healing and she said that Dr. Reid may want to seperate them and open it up a little so the skin continues to pull together.  However, Dr. Reid said that he saw no reason to do that and he wouldn't plan a reconstruction for a year!  WHAT?!  I told him Dr. Camp said she would close it up in 3-4 weeks after the wound vac was on as long as everything healed smoothly and he said, "Oh, yeah, well okay."   Derf-dee-derf!  Geez, the last thing I need is another doctor's opinion that is totally off-based considering he doesn't know much about me, my past or my expectations.  Blah.

Anyway, here are the pics from yesterday =)   If you compare these with the pictures I took 2 weeks ago, you can see how much I've healed... it's amazing!

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