Wednesday, July 20, 2011

still here... still fighting...

I received an email today that really made my day =)  Someone shared their story with me and made me feel like I wasn't alone.  She has fought tougher battles than I have and will continue to fight for the rest of her life.  She mentioned that she did not know why she told me her story but felt inspired to do so... I believe that the reason is that she knows pain, she knows sufferring and sometimes just sharing with others can be healing.  I find my blog to be incredibly healing.  Thank you, to all of you who have taken the time to write me and send me your advice, thoughts, well wishes and love.  Truly, it's one thing that helps to keep me positive in this insanity.

If you would like to message me privately, please feel free to email me at

Here are some pictures I took on Monday, the 18th....

This first one is pretty sad... my son drew a family portrait and this is what it looked like:

He told me mommy was first (the one to the far left) and as I congratulated him on his ability to draw (hey, it's good for 4 lol), I noticed mommy had some extra appendages.  I asked him what the line was in the middle of mommy and he explained that my tummy was different and that was my boo-boo =(  pretty sad that now he sees mommy as being "different" but I guess this is all a process and his little mind must manage to deal as well. are the pictures of mommy's boo-boo....

This stubborn wound will NOT heal... I've had it since 9 days post op and it's only gotten larger...... something totally weird is that today, when cleaning it, I noticed a string under the steri strips... only it wasn't a string, it was a 4 inch piece of stitch!!!!  My nurse thinks my doctor didn't use disposable stitches...?! What the huh?!  You can also see here that the tape has once again made me bleed =/  I've got little scabs and broken skin everywhere. 

Ok... so, getting better... right?  I think so.  I need to believe so.  Today I started researching marathons.  My plan is to run a marathon in all 50 states, one by one =)  There is one on August 14 in Chicago called the Rock 'n Roll marathon.  I realllllly want to go but I don't know if I'll be healed far enough along.  I'd probably do the half marathon because I'm so out of shape but I'm really excited about starting my journey on each state's marathon =) =)   We should be getting a camper by next summer so my little family can do mini vacations and mommy can run! 

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