Tuesday, May 10, 2011

HOLY bowel prep!!!!

Ok, WARNING ----  TOO MUCH INFO begins now:

Seriously, weak of stomach, TURN AWAY....

This bowel prep is INSANE!  Dr. Bradley wasn't going to make me do one since I'm not having liposuction or the muscle tightening but at my pre-op appointment, informed me he had changed his mind.  SOOOOO here I am, unable to get off the toilet.

I began at 6:30 a.m. and I have to drink 8oz every 10 minutes for 4 hours.  The drink is like a thick (almost like vegetable oil thick) salty lemon... and it's HORRIBLE.  The devil made this brew LOL  Everything was going great until about 7:30 a.m. when I rushed to the bathroom, and felt my guts fall out of me.  Really, I don't have that much cramping or discomfort, but when you gotta go, YOU MUST GO! there is NO control.

As of now, I'm about half way through the bottle and my poop is pretty much clear.  I don't know how I'm going to survive the next two hours!!!  Oh, and you can't eat anything 8 hours prior or 2 hours after =(  I'm so hungry! 

Well, back to the bathroom I go =/

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