Wednesday, June 29, 2011

It's my birthday & I'll cry if I want to!!!!

Booo... I'm 27!  Or 21 for the 6th time? Whichever way you want to look at it.

I wanted to go see the ocean for my birthday =/  no gifts, no cake, just drive straight to the ocean on the shortest route with the kids and husband.  He said it was cool so I was set to go... then June 11 happened and I'm stuck to a wound vac. 

ugh.....oh well, not much I can do about it.  My mom is coming over for lunch and my kid sis & kid brother are coming over tonight.  I wish I could drink but I'm not sure if I'm allowed to.  I guess that one wouldn't hurt, but that'd just be a tease.

I called Dr. Bradley's office yesterday to see if he had signed a note for my gym, just saying the date that I had surgery so I could put a hold on my account and the secretary Mary Ann said that he didn't feel comfortable writing a note.  WHAT THE F!?  Ok, I pay you 18,000 freaking DOLLARS and you make my life MISERABLE for 7 weeks and counting... AND YOU CAN'T WRITE ME A NOTE THAT SAYS, "GINGER HAD SURGERY MAY 13, 2011" ??!?!?!?!?!?!?  Ewwwwww I'M FIRED UP!!!!!!!!   My gym membership costs $700 per year for our family (including daycare) and they were nice enough to put my account on hold IF and only IF they got something in writing from my surgeon stating the date I had surgery.  AND HE WON'T?!?!?!!?  THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE!!!!!

Ok, rant is over.  I will deal with these emotions when I'm healthy and have the fight back in me.  I'm only going on partial steam.  But when I get better... ahh... better leave it at that.  Happy f'n birthday to me!

1 comment:

  1. Happy belated birthday! I don't get the note thing at all......... I read your story on how you lost weight, very intriguing! We have similar stories, though my "snap" came from a rude OBGYN. Your wound is healing up nicely, hang in there, you will be in that bikini. :)
